What's This?

"Star Digger" is a movement demo for JAMshire 2024, which I used to help get me started in game development using Javascript to build a custom game engine that I could noodle with. Not a game really, just the minimum to provide the _semblance_ of a game. As such , there's nothing to rank here; this demo shows progress in larning how to import a sprite into ThreeJS and animate it on the screen against a moving background with hacked keyboard input controls.

The eventual idea is to have an explorable maze using game mechanics similar to _Star Maze_ on the Apple II (1982) with some elements of _Sinistar_ (1983), as these are formative games from my childhood. The game engine portion, which I'm calling SNA, is built upon another framework that I've built for freelance projects requiring simple message-based networking for academic learning sciences project. 

For more background, see the postmortem post or my Game Jam DevLog on the SNHGameDev Discord.


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